Rethinking about the definition of “Social Capital (Network)”


The word “network” often used in daily life has become more important which defines as below in the name of “Social Capital”.

Social capital is fundamentally about how people interact with each other. It is about:

1) the nature of our social connections

2) the norms and shared understandings that influence our action and interaction. 


Other than the definition above, Social Capital has been conceptualised in various field, such as in OECD where holds up the 4 capitals including Social Capital as “resources for future well-being” in its Well-being framework. (reference)

As such, it can be said that social capital is one of the most important elements in life.

For example, the differences in the scale of Social Capital can be seen in Finland and Japan. The former has roughly 20~30 people who can confabulate, whereas the latter only has 2~3 people.

In addition, the current research shows that Social Isolation increases a risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease including ADRD. Therefore, the encouragement of Social Capital is important.

By giving a similar example, in terms of “free from partial society”, the Social Capital that has a function to tie individual and social structure can take an important role in seceding from a part of the community and rehabilitating society. Not just accumulating human capital, but as “Social” Capital, like many reasons for secession is “family”, the relationship with other people and society has a huge impact and connects to the next steps.  

Social Contribution Group