New Staff for IISIA Corporate Planning and Group: Yuki Kondo

Hello, everyone. My name is Yuki Kondo. I started working at Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc. in short “IISIA,” which is a sister orgnization of RIJAG, at the beginning of January, 2024.
Once I obtained my bachelor’s degree in English communication from a Japanese University, I went to the US and obtained my master’s degree in Sustainable International Development. Since I focused my study on climate change adaptation and poverty alleviation, I did my internship at the UN organization related to climate change in Germany when I was in my second year of the graduate school. This half-year internship experience led me to work at the Ministry of the environment, Japan as my first working place.
I engaged in several projects at the second organization where I worked, which is an international incorporated administrative agency. I took part in some projects related to fair trade and economic improvement: the project on economic support for climate change adaptation and farmers with low income or the project to improve industrial competitiveness through fostering human resources and to enhance value chains in collaboration with special economic zones.
The most recent work was at the general incorporated association where I supported to write a proposal paper for financial aid from Japanese government and Japan Fund for Global Environment in order to support the development of Indonesia. I also managed the events that introduced current climate change issues and its solution.

Since I have been in several foreign countries and stayed there for a while, the positive characters of Japan became obvious in my mind. I have been seeking to find a job that I can tell more people about the attractiveness of this country and found this organization, IISIA, where I could pursue my dream. IISIA puts 50% of its financial profit to social action work and will expand its work abroad in order to achieve Pax-Japonica, and this character of this organization inspired me to apply for this position.
I would like to start a new project for RIJAG in regard to climate change issues around Southeast Asia and China. Please keep an eye on the updates of the new project!
Thank you for reading.