Let’s conceptualize Pax Japonica

Photo from:tagtec.com
In the book of Pax Japonica (published by LidPublishing London, UK in 2017), Mr. Harada shared the concept Pax Japonica with us and try to figure out what it is and should be for the entire global community.
What is PAX JAPONICA? You may have once heard “Pax Americana” or “Pax Romana”, but “PAX JAPONICA” sounds quite new even for the ordinary people in Japan.
As we all know, in the past years, Japan is facing various social and economic problems together with the lasting turmoil of her domestic issues. However the global leadership has been already fully aware of the accelerated development to “Pax Japonica” and gets ready to adapt itself to it.

To make the concept clearer and easy to understand we are trying to conceptualize it with the style that Steve Jobs was used to create iPhone. As we can see in the picture, the design of iPhone can be totally included in the two descriptions: simple and easy to use.
Although the definition is extremely simple, the two words can be understand in different perspectives. Which is totally suitable for the conceptualizing of Pax Japonica!
So what is the most accurate definitions for Pax Japonica?
How to make this concept be accepted by people all over the world?
In the Session 9 of YOUTUBE program “Let’stalk about PAX JAPONICA”, Miss.Nakano and I will do in-depth analysis and try to find answers for these problems.
Don’t miss the program (broadcast from every Wednesday Japanese ) and share your opinions with us at any time!