Compassion for Social Inclusion


We are currently working on a project entitled “Compassion for Social Inclusion”.

As all know, United Nations has signified “No One Left behind”. However, there are excluded people in Japan, which has not been socially included well more than it is supposed to be.

For the above background, we highlighted three fields this time, poverty problem, religion second generation, and antisocial forces. Second generation for each is especially put as important to be considered in our view.

Specialists from each field will be invited as panelist to discuss with our clints in order to critically assess what these groups need to be in the future.


Poverty problem delivered by Yasuhiko Murakami

Osaka University, Department of Human Science

Religion second generation problem delivered by Mami Sakane

Writer of “解毒 エホバの証人の洗脳から脱出したある女性の手記”


Antisocial forces delivered by Noboru Hirosue

Part-time lecturer at Kurume University

For further information is below: