What Innovation Does Japan Need?

The previous blog examined why Japan doesn’t make an innovation. This time, it will discuss ‘Why is innovation needed?’ and ‘What kind of innovation does Japan need?’.
Japanese science technology has been developed including robotics and computer science, and led global society. But why does it need to aim higher level?
It is because the world trend is always changing.
This society is called the era of ‘VUCA’.
VUCA is constructed four elements below;
V: Volatility,
U: Uncertainty,
C: Complexity and
A: Ambiguity,
and unpredictable things happened in the era of ‘VUCA’.
While new issues happening everyday such as environmental change, immigration, pandemic, security following geopolitical risks, for example, the issue of declining birthrate and aging population is seen as important in Japan.
For such a changing world, the importance of aiming higher innovation is found out as the reasons below;
1. To construct the system which can correspond unprecedented problems,
2. To impact technology demands by continuous changing trends.
Japan advocates the science technology policy called Society 5.0 as the field of innovation. (reference)
Society 5.0 will incorporate systems that highly integrate cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space), and in particular will use data collected via the Internet of Things (a globally expanding network of connected devices that collect, share and analyse real-time data about the urban environment) to reduce crime, environmental pollution and traffic congestion, and improve disaster preparedness.
However, at the same time, when using Internet of Things, the problems such as privacy and security is concerned, so it needs to be careful.
In order to embody Society 5.0, it needs to create ‘transformative innovation’ which changes the world, and this is the innovation making change in system level such as infrastructure and behaviour pattern of humans. (reference)
By promoting and achieving it, Japan Model is established and Japanese trend will lead the global trend and international society, which connects to accomplishing our vision, ‘Pax Japonica’.
Yoko Nakano, Social Contribution Group