The World Order and International Relations: A view from Russia’s History


The third lecture of “IISIA Todai Prep-School” was held on 26th of October.

The third lecture of “IISIA Todai Prep-School” was about “the world order and international relations”.

The lecture started with presentation about assignments and analysis of disclosed information.

The students analysed the matter of the “Decarbonization” from two perspectives; the enforcement of Japan-Australia relations and the bubble “Decarbonization”.

Additionally, there was timely and insightful discussion about Russia-Ukraine war based on the assignment, such as the Putin’s grand strategy rooted in Russian history with stating our insight.

(with refere to: )

We will proceed “IISIA Todai Prep-School” more and the fourth lecture will includes presentation and assignments as well.

We thank all of you for your continued support.