The Paths to Pax Japonica 2 -What Is Anticipatory Innovation Governance-


The previous blog discussed ‘Why does it need to make an innovation?’ and Science Technology Innovation (STI) Policy=Society 5.0 in Japan as a field to make an innovation.

This time, it will talk about STI Policy on a global level.

The OECD proclaims ‘Anticipatory Innovation Governance (AIG)’ as a final goal for STI Policy.

Let’s look at ‘Anticipatory Governance’, the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation in the OECD defines to get an idea of AIG. (Reference below)

Anticipatory Innovation is the ability of organisations to consistently perceive, understand and act on the future as it emerges in the present.1

(reference: OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation)

In other words, AIG is analysing the vast existing information based on logic and constructing the international scheme through predicting future risks.

In our institute, we have used the methods to analyse the current information, create future analysis scenarios, observe daily situations and decide on the guiding principle for operations through it since its establishment.

Prepared for unclear future by analysing information quickly. This shall be the important key to accomplishing ‘Pax Japonica’, which will create the future.

Yoko Nakano, Social Contribution Group


OECD. Exploring the future and taking action today. Observatory of Public Sector Innovation. [Available at] <Anticipatory Innovation – Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (>. [Accessed on 8th August 2022].