The Educational Possibility in The Era of VUCA

When we conducted a survey about ‘social problems in Japan’ on our Instagram account (, many people answered interested in ‘education.’
Therefore, this blog will discuss the importance of education in this society.
In this regard, I will make the following argument based on the premise of Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “Primary education shall be compulsory.”
As was discussed in the previous blog, this society is in VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) and the world is changing and developing rapidly. In such situations, depending on how ‘education’ will be in the future, whether it can take a role to solve new problems will be decided. While new problems occur daily and face it, it is necessary to evolve the knowledge about new science including curriculum.
As the OECD has proceeded with the ‘OECD Education 2030 Project’ since 2015, they address three issues regarding the ‘Need for new solutions in a rapidly changing world’.
That is, 1. Environment, 2. Economy and 3. Society.
The trends above have and will impact people’s lives globally. The ‘Education 2030 Project’ by OECD will be contributed to SDGs by the UN.
At the Nature Communication Workshop, many NGOs and international organisations participated on 4th June 2022, the four important elements were emphasised on children to start acting for early solutions to environmental issues, such;
‘The idea of nature protection’
‘The importance of consideration for the environment’
‘Your role to solve environmental issues’
‘How your act impacts to other areas’
Since having an education is one of the important elements of well-being, our institute will keep researching and organising educational activities about domestic and international affairs.
Reference below from OECD The Future of Education and Skills Education 2030
‘Education has a vital role to play in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that values that enable people to contribute to and benefit from an inclusive and sustainable future’
It is one of the steps for accomplishing Pax Japonica to re-acknowledge the importance of education and improve Japanese education.
Yoko Nakano, Social Contribution Group
OECD. 2018. The Future of Education and Skills, Education 2030. [Pdf] Available at: E2030 Position Paper (05.04.2018).pdf ( [Accessed on 26 July 2022].